Coin Operated Boy

A blog of my adventures and misadventures in life...

Monday, January 09, 2006

Again, random thoughts

im not feeling well today. i'm still coughing and now I got colds. damn the weather. Hope I'll feel well soon. Check out this link, its hilarious. :-)

I became concerned about Imelda Papin's health right after I've watched the news about her on a popular news show, TV patrol. Is she ok now? I hope she is, and please Ma'am, take care huh.. I don't wanna hear another news like that, it sucks. It's not that I'm taking it against her, but I found this news useless and too shallow. So what if she slipped on her bathroom? did she died? she didn't even got any major injury i guess. So please stop featuring this kind of stuff, they're not worth watching. You got more important issues to tackle, inform the people about it. Ever heard of such news, "Aktres, maitim ang kuyukot", "Jennylin and Mark break na" and others. Whoa, will my world stop because of this matters? :-)

Are you hooked-up with "Jewel in the palace" fever? Well, I do. Over the weekend, I watched the last two DVD's of it, i think that's more or less 20 episodes. The ending? It's a happy one. :-)



  • At 10:00 PM, Blogger vaN said…

    I agree, there are much more better things they should feature on TV. ;)

  • At 8:12 PM, Blogger Wendy said…

    Ei... Coin Operated Boy... sitting on the shelf, he just a toy... Nahhh...

    Thanks for visiting my blog the last time... and because of that... CONGRATULATION... MAY TAG KA SA AKIN... hehe... hope it's okay... Thank you!


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